I will post. Seems reasonable.
But not a long post, because I really ought to be doing my physics lab report (yeah, again. Funny, it was this time last week that I posted, avoiding my lab report work...)
Today, (instead of regaling you with tales of centripetal acceleration), I will talk about words. First up, words that people in my bible class can neither pronounce, nor define (taken from just one day of lecture and readings):
The girl who was reading when we hit the word 'tabernacle' actually stopped, looked up in annoyance, and whinged "But why do I have to read? I don't even know what this word
Can I slap you now? And okay, I'm probably being unkind and/or unreasonable. But GE classes annoy me. Particularly, you know, the people in them.
Next, new words I've learned since I started college. Well, the ones I thought neat enough to write down:
probandprosopagnosiascapegraceamphictyonyeschatologyEschatology and amphictyony came from Bible class, prosopagnosia and proband came from a research paper I did for Marriage and Family Relationships last semester, and scapegrace... I don't remember where that came from. But I think scapegrace is a particularly awesome word, and intend to use it in my next paper, if I possibly can.
Anybody learned any neat words lately?
Also, next week's Bible essay midterm got pushed back a week, which is an absolute grace, since I have physics and calc midterms next Friday and Wednesday, repectively, to worry about.
Aaaaand, let's see. Spencer banged his (injured) knee into his computer table about twenty minutes ago, which made it start bleeding again. It's really, fine, but he's more than happy to take the excuse to watch some more TV on his comp, rather than taking a shower/going to bed. Ah well. He's a grownup now. (Also, he only has
one class to worry about staying awake for tomorrow. Oi.)
And yay for Mom and J coming up tomorrow! It's tres exciting! *Does happy dance* I
can't wait. Hee hee!
And, in order to fully enjoy my time with them, I should get back to work and finish all my homework before they come. *le sigh* But hey! Tune in to this spot next week, same physics time, same physics channel...