Had a marvelous weekend; Teresa came up and we did girly things like shopping and settling in on the sofa to watch movies. Well, TV. Also, there was jam. And potatoes. And lists:

On a more depressing note, I didn't get picked to be employed this summer by the Student Orientation people. Sigh. So, back back to the summer employment drawing board.
But hey, at least my bike's working these days. When they'd replaced the inner tube, they hadn't properly tightened the...something. But now it's all better!
Aaaaand...let's see. I can make roasted potatoes! They're yummy.

But I don't have any paper towels, so they just sit on a plate covered with napkins. So that works too.
Reformation Sunday was fun. Sermon was a bit rubbish, but we got to sing A Mighty Fortress Is Our God REALLY loudly. Belting it out like the good Lutherans that we are. So that was a good time.
But! Now, must dash. Hope everyone's having a good week!
1 comment:
belt it baby, belt it.... :)))
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