But, I had to get up eventually this morning, because I had my first interview for the Summer Orientation Peer Advisor job this morning. (The job, from what I can gather, involves a lot of walking backwards while talking, stuffing folders, reassuring panicked, intrusive parents, and answering the same questions every day all summer. In 100 degree weather. Outdoors.) But hey, money/employment are good. I'm relatively confident about getting a position because they mentioned specifically that they're looking for a variety of majors, and I was the only science major in the bunch that interviewed today (it was a group thing, where we had to demonstrate teamwork/communication/the ability to introduce ourselves rapidly.)
So. There's that. Then, I'm getting up early tomorrow morning to go to the 8:00 Reformation Sunday service over at Faith Lutheran. I was having minor philosophical qualms about only dragging myself up for church on the day[s] significant to me as a Lutheran, rather than as a Christian overall (which should, really, mean every Sunday) but I've decided that denomination-specific attendance is considerably preferable to no attendance at all. Plus, Teresa and I attempted to attend Reformation Sunday last year, but were a week late and ended up at All Saints Sunday instead. So, I figure I'm due for a sermon about why Lutherans are a nifty sort of bunch. Or...something.
But. Right. Sleep now.
Oh yeah, and physics exam went badly. It was kinda like this, only not a dream (and physics, not math, because some of those math problems I could totally do.):

--9:26 edit--
Oh, and I just remembered something fun that happened in Logic on Friday. There was this extra credit assignment, to watch the last debate, and then so a write-up on a fallacious argument used. So, people were handing them down the aisles of the auditorium to turn them in, and since I was sitting at the end of the aisle, I collected them up and happened to glance down at the one on top. Which was discussing in depth the arguments presented about the first golf war.
So, I do a little bit of a double take, but figure that it's just a minor typo. But no, she's spelled it that way through her whole (admittedly brief) essay. I giggled inside, but sadly had no one to share it with (but now, there's the whole internet!) . I wish I could see the comments the prof puts down about it...
1 comment:
hey, it's 3.25 AM and I'm awake!
I wonder if I should ring you...
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