Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Songs to Aging Children [Don't] Come...

So, here's a quote pulled from Sarah Palin's recent interview with Katie Couric.:

"I'm not going to solely blame all of man's activities on changes in climate. Because the world's weather patterns are cyclical. And over history we have seen change there. But kind of doesn't matter at this point, as we debate what caused it. The point is, it's real, we need to do something about it."

Right, good to know that not all of my activities are going to be blamed on changes in the climate. I appreciate that, though even I'll admit to getting a bit cranky when it's very hot out. And yeah, that's not what she meant, and you can tell, from context, what she did mean. But still. Pretty funny.

Spencer just got back from walking the rent cheque down to the manager's office. We had fried rice for dinner, so that was nice. It's a good meal for us to make, because we both contribute; I cook the rice, and he fries it up. We're both good at our own parts of the process, and not terribly good at the other person's.

Also, a note: young adults are not, in general, terribly good at reading aloud. Particularly from the Bible, but I'd go out on a generalizing-limb and venture that they're just not very good at it in general. I mean, come on. How do you get into college (no, skip that, get to the age of 18) without figuring out how to pronounce Gilead? And, once corrected, don't you think you'd at least make an attempt at pronouncing it properly the second time? The third? Please, just shoot me now.

*Teddy is frustrated by stupid people*

But, never mind. I'm sure Logic tomorrow will make me feel much better...

In other news, I fell off my step today in aerobics. (And yeah, those are actually exactly what our steps look like.) We were in the middle of a new routine, and I suppose I was concentrating on the wrong thing, because I went to step up and found the edge of the step, followed rapidly by the floor. I've got a nice bruise on my left hip, but it wasn't too bad; the girl next to me stopped to help me up. We usually have someone fall off the step once every couple of class periods; today was just my day to be special. It's usually a problem that the girls with longer legs have: you step out to do a part of the routine, and hey! No step. Oops.

I sewed up a hole in one of the pockets of my brown leather jacket today. Now change will hopefully stop falling in to the lining of the jacket. not that, you know, it's at all cold enough here to warrant full length trousers, let alone a jacket. But soon! We're forecast (drumroll...) Rain! This Friday and Saturday. That would be different. Might have to hunt down my umbrella...

Hmm, down to the end of the entry, and I still don't have a good song lyric for the post title. I'm listening to Joni Mitchell's Clouds album right now, but I think "I Don't Know Where I Stand" is a bit harsh for even Mrs. Palin.


ipm said...

we heard her talk last night, ON MY GOODNESS!!!

she sounds thicker than our current president...


nice that your dinner is better than her logic!

Gilead Gilead Gilead!!!

Anonymous said...

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