Poor Stevie. Though, on a related note, they played a really sped up, peppy version of Fleetwood Mac's Everywhere for the first 6 or so mins of aerobics this afternoon. That made me giggle on the inside. I was not giggling when the last 15 mins of class got cut off by a shrieking fire alarm. Ah well; less ab work for me.
But! I wish I could figure away 'round this proofs homework. Or mosquito bites. I think that, at this moment, given a choice between getting rid of my proofs homework or these insect bites, I'd pick the bites. Gaaaah.
Of course, ask me again in an hour when I'm not yet done finishing these stupid truth tables. I may have a different answer for you.
Labour Day weekend was fun, though. *Teddy conjures up the mental image of a weekend devoted to Tony and Gordon, is disturbed* Lots of fun telly watching and pizza making. I love love love my toaster oven. Engineer's gift to college students, honestly. Though, depressingly, it's not that great at making actual toast. Good thing I have my 6 dollar backup Target toaster (it has a Pop Tart setting labelled on it!).
Right, back to proofs. Le sigh. But first! Time for this evening's macro, courtesy of David Tennant, Hamlet, and a old school DW reference:

1 comment:
you are cute.
good thing you have that toaster!!!
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