Spencer's contents: 2 boxes of popcorn, 2 boxes of jello mix, 1 brownie mix, 1 almost-empty thing of peanut butter
Teddy's contents: Bag of tortilla chips, bag of chocolate chips (don't get the two confused!), 1 box mashed potato mix, 1 box Rice a Roni, 2 boxes of pasta meals, 6 boxes mac n cheese, approx. 3 pounds of spaghetti, 4 boxes of cereal, 1 full box of strawberries and cream instant oatmeal (you might almost think I like carbs!), 3 jars of spaghetti sauce, 2 boxes blueberry muffin mix, 1 jar of applesauce, 1 tin of chilli, 1.5 things of peanut butter, aaaaaand 1 jar of Nutella.
But of course, I couldn't just stop with the pantry. Here, therefore are pics of our perishable food stores. Because I can. Mwahahahaha!

Spencer's contents: 2 mini frozen pizzas (not shown), 2 cartons of ice cream, 1 thing of frozen jello, I frozen Totinos, I box breakfast toaster things, 3 boxes off-brand hot pockets
Teddy's contents: 3 frozen Totinos, 1 popsicle

Spencer's fridge contents: 12-pack of cherry cola, 2 things of lunch meat, mozzerella cheese, sharp cheddar cheese
Teddy's fridge contents: 3 (cherry!) yoghurts, eggs, gallon of fat-free milk, torillas, jam from Teresa's mum, 2 things of colby jack cheese.
Plus miscellaneous bits in the fridge door: communal carrots, condiments, and butter, my applesauce, Spencer's cranberry juice
So, there you go. Mostly, an excuse to play with my cameraphone :)
In other news, I really love Word 2007. It is my friend. It lets me write out reeeeealy pretty equations for my lab reports, and formats them properly. La. Plus, a full complement of math and Greek symbols that don't require any special keystrokes. Me gusta mucho.
While we're on the topic of things I like, I quite like my gas stovetop. It's fun. And I like the Rent soundtrack a lot. And sleep, too. And not-crazy-hot weather is nice.
yawn. Speaking of sleep...
sleep... I just had yours!
nice pantry...
and nice fridge too...
I took it upon myself to read your blog with the pink background today.
In doing this, I remembered that you are the only person I know that refers to equations as "pretty." You are something quite amazing, haha!
It doesn't look like you'll starve yet. And I highly doubt you like carbs ;)
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