Sunday, August 24, 2008


Spencer's walking down to Safeway at the moment (wearing a vest over his t-shirt, and long jeans, in 95 degree weather) to ...

Hang on. Sorry, was distracted for a moment by the two cars driving backwards down West Sac. Yeah, gotta love Chico when the students are in town.

But anyway. Spencer's on his way to Safeway to get some mince, and possibly lettuce for tacos tonight. I don't relish the idea of cooking over a hot oven this afternoon, but he's (oddly) determined to have something celebratory for our last day before college. So, whatever. He can be the one to cook with the hot oil. I'll grate cheese and shred lettuce.

In other news, it's kinda hot here. Just a bit. Sort of. Maybe a little.


ipm said...

what happened to the daleks?

tacos are very nice. I'm glad he's of a mind to do something special for your last night. but won't the mince get warm?

happy eating!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm... relish....