Right. Okay. I leave in half an hour. *Will not be ill in the meantime*
Heard Spencer clomping around at 6:30, and there was a note for me on the white board when I went downstairs for brekkie, informing me what time he'd left. Bless.
Right. Calculus first, followed by Proofs, then Logic, then finishing up with Physics. Okay. Right.
But now, for something completely different:


Because every day should begin with a little bit of the BBC. Macroed, when possible.
I don't have a water bottle at the moment, but fortunately I found alid for one of the fairly large tupperware-brand cups. That should see me through the day.
Gaaaaaah, okay. *Runs away to compulsively brush her hair and repack her backpack*
Best wishes to you and Spencer this year at school!
What's a Dalek?
oh but you are ever so cute!!!
have a good day... hee hee...
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