Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I have the power!

Finally. We had an outage that was about a minute long around 9pm, then power went out all down the street (and it's a long street!) for about 10-15 minutes around 10pm. Annoying, because it was making my computer cranky and I was trying to study, but kinda neat, because it got everyone out of their apartments and out onto the sidewalk, pointing flashlights and candles, and talking. (Well, okay, no one was really pointing candles.)

But now it's back, and I'm glad. Plus! I've figured out how to post messages to blogger from my cell phone. So I'll always be able to get messages out to the blogosphere, if nothing else :)

Hmm. Now that the excitement's over, I should probably get back to my physics textbook. Sigh.

1 comment:

ipm said...

you do not love Nadal...

I DO!!

hee hee... sneaky candle pointing girl!