Well, first day of the semester down. Calculus was fun; I knew several people, and it was the professor I had for calc 2. He's a funny guy; just 30, and only been teaching a couple of years. Here are some of his better quotes from calc last year:
"What the... is this some kind of sick joke?" On only having small pieces of chalk
"Does anyone think that's cool other than me, or am I just flying solo in Darksville?" On deriving the formula for the circumference of an ellipse.
"I didn't know I was going to become a politician when I became a professor. I just wanted to do math."
"It's like picking out a brand of cereal. Man, I'm bad at stuff like that." On picking test problems
"Hiding away from real work all day. That's what academics do." On summer plans
And then, from just this morning:
"Have you seen the [campus] maps? My God, I don't think even Smurfs could read those maps."
So yeah. Calc was fun. Except that we're shoved into a tiny classroom in the gym building. Which is... kinda weird, but whatever.
A bunch of us math folk then trooped over to proofs, where we did some sample problems out of the book. They were pretty much logic puzzles, but I completely understood them, when it seemed like a lot of people just flat out
didn't. So that made me feel better, though this probably isn't what we'll be doing for the rest of the semester. Ah well. I've had this prof before, for calc 1, so that was nice too. He's good guy.
Logic was awful. I mean, it'll be an easy A, but the teacher is unbelievably condescending and repetitive. Sigh. well, I'll just read the required chapters beforehand, and then I won't have to be listening to him for lecture. Oi.
Physics... well, for one, has some pretty significant gender disparities. The M/F ratio is about 6.5/1, so that's different. Otherwise though, it seems like it'll be... hard, but probably worth it. Requiring of a lot of reading, certainly. And I have to figure out how to wirte a good lab report. A perk is that the Physics department doesn't have the money to hire graders, so we don't have to turn in any homework. Which is nice for us, but bad, on the overall scale of things. Poor physicists.
But, enough about school (and biking around in 90 degree weather!). Here's a nice, pretty TG macro for you all: