Stew came out fantastic. Meat just fell apart, which was what I was hoping for but not expecting. I'd cut the potatoes into smaller hunks next time, though; they cooked through fine, but they were too big to eat without breaking them up with the spoon. Also, I'm hoping if I make a few of them quite small, they'll cook down and thicken it a bit; it was a little thinner than ideal.

Still, it tasted wonderful, the carrots cooked perfectly, and the meat turned out much better than I'd expected, having read about tough the cut it. Definitely something I'll make again. It made enough for me to have two bowls last night, plus a tupperware full for today. It was a little oily, but I was able to skim the leftovers this morning, after they'd been in the fridge overnight. Overall, though? Success!

Spence was napping when I went to take the pics, though, so these ones are from my phone. They're...a little sad, comparatively. Ah well.
Meanwhile, back in Chico, it's raining again. Still. More. I walked to campus to meet up with a friend to study for tomorrow's linear algebra test (which? not going to be fun) but she gave me a lift back (after we hit taco bell. starving mathematicians in training gotta eat). I have to run over to the student admin building tomorrow to get some transcripts ordered to send to the REU campuses that require official transcripts. And... it's supposed to rain all of tomorrow, too. Sigh.
On a lighter note, it's that time again. Yes, time for New Words Teddy Has Learned In College (the parent-friendly edition). Up today we have:
I was going to try to go with all words that started with P, but rebarbative was too good.
Right. Words delivered, my work here is done. *Teddy wanders off to eat stew*
I have no idea what those words mean... but have heard of peripatetic.
Stew... always better the second day. Also, to thicken it up the first night... just give it a good stir to break up the potato a bit. Tender meat always takes at least 3 hours of simmering/braising/slow-cooking to break down the connective tissue so the crock pot seems to be ideal... but it won't really help meat that is too lean (e.g. rump roast). Now I know what's for dinner this week!
I too have heard of peripatetic. sounds like patetico...
muy muy...
nice stew!
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