Not that I actually have to do them, but we're allowed to swap out our lowest exam score for our homework score. So, if you have 100% on the homework, you're guaranteed 100% on one of your tests. Which is nice. I like 100%. So...homework. More tomorrow, probably. I can do it at home, but I never get anywhere near as much done at home (distraction zone!) as I do curled up at the library.
Or the student union, or the Upper Crust cafe, both of which I also spent a couple of my seven hours working. It was a pleasant day, really. Very nice and quiet.
Tomorrow is also the official (professor-led) study session for my proofs class. I have a middling B in there right now, so I'm hoping the final (which is worth about 40% of the grade) will be kind to me. Or, at least not brutal.
Then Sunday is the offical physics study session, from 7 to 9 at night. *Teddy is glad she doesn't have any exams early the next day* I'm meeting up with one of my lab partners for a few hours before that study session, so it'll be a 6 hours physics study marathon. That'll be... special.
Bible's final is on Tuesday, and it's my only Tuesday final. It doesn't really require (or allow for) much real studying, since it's an essay test requiring you to analyze concepts. I'll reread my notes since the last exam (it also isn't cumulative), and then just head on in. Though I'm really not worried about it.
Not worried at all about my logic final; it's online, mulitple choice, open book, no time limit. Yeah, not really that concerned there.
Physics is scary. Calculus and (particularly) proofs are worrying. Bible and logic are no-brainers.
There will be, however, none of this on the day of the test:

And I'm pretty dead. Depressed that I have to wake up for the 10 am proofs thing tomorrow. Kinda cold. Not at all hungry; I had black bean, spicy green pepper chilli from the Upper Crust at around 4, and just now am finishing the last of my chicken vindaloo with ton-o-rice. It's incredibly hot, and smells amazing. But now it's gone. Le sigh.
So, off to bed with me. Hope everyone has a nice weekend. What are you doing for it?
Also, the post title comes from the lyrics of this song. It's very good, and worth a listen.
1 comment:
what a day indeed!!!
I hope next week goes okay. I hope this weekend is good. and I love you... :)))
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