It's just poured here the last couple of days. It's been kinda fun; I've gotten to try our my new water-proof, early birthday shoes, which have been massively awesome. (Hey, I can like, walk around outside without soaking my feet in the process! Neat!) It also gave me a good excuse (not that I really needed one) to make spicy peanut veggie soup on Halloween.

Otherwise, it's pretty much just back to your regularly scheduled school week here. I have a Proofs test on Friday, a calc test next Wednesday, and Physics and Logic tests the Friday after that (which is, incidentally, the last day before Thanksgiving break. I think they're trying to make us really grateful.)
Oh and hey, the election's tomorrow! That's kinda nice. If only so it'll be over with and I'll (maybe!) not have to hear any more about it from Spencer. Oi. Right-wing conspiracies this, paranoid website posters that. Almost makes me want to vote for McCain just to see how apoplectic I could make him. Hmm... *ponders*
*It should, at this point, be noted that google has a disappointing selection of images to go with the word "apoplectic". Though it did come up with one of a naked Katy Manning cuddled up to a Dalek. So...there you go then. I think.*
And to finish up this post, some more of what everyone needs: rapping Luther. No, really. I think that the ELCA should get permission to run this on commercials or something.
La-La-La Luther...
hee hee...
Your blog posts are so entertaining!
I hope you're relaxing now that the election is over. You would have been safe voting for McCain to roust Spencer, because California always goes for the Democrat.
Wouldn't that be something though, if your one vote to harass your brother turned the state Republican and threw the election. =)
It's dry now here. It's nice! The leaves should start turning and falling any day now.
Have a good evening!
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