It's two layers of brownie...

With Cool Whip filling...

And a pumpkin/cream cheese/cool whip frosting.

I told Spencer if he didn't give me at least a little smile, I would start calling him emo boy and rigging his comp to play Fall Out Boy and Nine Inch Nails. Maybe some Dashboard Confessional. It seems to have worked, at least a little.
The cake is really quite good, though after the Chinese food we had for dinner, I'm afraid I can't eat as much of it as I'd like. The chicken chow mein was nice too. An evening for commendable cuisine!
Actually, today would have been a lot better if I didn't have a physics test tomorrow to worry about. Gah. Calc tomorrow is cancelled (the prof, a 30 year old single guy, skipped out yesterday to start his break), so I'll be able to spend all of tomorrow morning doing some last minute review for the test. I've also got an exam in logic, but we get a notecard for it, and it wouldn't be hard anyway.
But tomorrow, after the physics test is done... I get to go home! Mom's coming up tomorrow, doig lunch and grocery shopping with Spence while I'm suffering the torments of academia. But as soon as the test's over, I'm biking home, tossing my stuff in the car, and we're taking off. And I will not even think about physics for a week.
(Except to read the next chapter of the text. And fret over the test. And wake up, startled, from dreams about calculating the torque that the world's elephants exert on the earth, while helping Superchicken and the Third Doctor save the world. I'm not kidding. My subconscious is a weird place.)
And, because I was taking pictures, (and it is my birthday, after all), here's me:

And, in Spencer-style dramatic pose:

It was a fun day. food was good, and I got some cards and a certificate for a used book store from Spence (just what I'd asked for). Hee.
But now, back to productive stuff. Like...packing. Or homework. Man, can it be holiday yet?