Monday, September 15, 2008

Six o'clock already, I was just in the middle of a dream...

Monday again! I'm fed, dishwasher's running, and I've still got ten minutes left before I have to take off for calc. Man, I don't know if I can even describe how glad I am that I only have one 8:00 class this semester; last year, it was every morning. Now, only Thursdays!

Physics session last night went well. I need to do some more projectile motion problems, so I really know what's going on there, but I think I'm generally in good shape. We'll see come this Friday, I suppose...

Spencer had a bit of a math-induced meltdown last night. Sigh. Got hissy and stalked off. Him, not me. Obviously.

Now, calc followed by proofs followed by logic followed by physics. Everyone have a good day!

1 comment:

ipm said...

well, that's nice about your late mornings!

not so nice about the math... sigh...

well, there you go.