So, the padded feet at the front-underneath of my comp's keyboard have lost a lot of the stickiness that keeps them adhered to the keyboard. They fall off when I shove it around too fast, and I have to turn it over and carefully stick them back in place. But this afternoon I was hurrying to get out the door to go to dance, and didn't have time to hunt down the pad when it fell off.
So now, 6 hours later, I'm getting ready for bed, taking off my trainers. And what falls out, but the little pad. I have absolutely no idea how it could have gotten in my shoe. It was a bit...bemusing.
I've never found a piece of a computer keyboard in my shoe before. Perhaps I haven't been watching closely enough.
Speaking of keyboards, though, I'd quite like
this one.
Though this one would be all right also. It's ergonomic!