Aaaaaanyway. Semester's about over- just finishing up Dead Week, then finals start Monday. Things are tight, but slotting together reasonably well; I have stats on Monday, geography and linear algebra on Tuesday, partials either Wednesday or Friday, whenever I want to take it, and then my medieval philosophy final is an online take-home that's already open for me to work on whenever, due next Friday.
The philosophy take home is kinda unfortunate, because it gave the professor leeway to assign a rather longer, harder, more intense final than would have been at all reasonable for us to do had we actually gone to the class and sat the final properly. Oh well. 9-10 pages of philosophical analysis can't be that bad. Right?
It hasn't been a bad semester. The math's been harder than I was really hoping, though stats has been easy. I don't regret taking philosophy as an elective- it's been interesting and fun, without demanding too much more time than I'm comfortable devoting to it. Geography of Disasters has been depressingly miserable, (We spent the last two class periods watching Demi Moore's The Seventh Sign. Please, if you have any respect for your time, don't watch this movie. Go... do something off this list instead. Or stare at blank walls. I swear it'll be more enjoyable, and certainly more self-enriching.) but it's over now. Gah. So much potential, and just an awful class. Sigh.
Partials has been the real disappointment this semester- I feel like I should understand it better than I do not only because I suspect it'll come back to bite me if/when I don't, but also because it shouldn't be this hard. Mostly it's just bad because the professor is head of the department and so has no time. Which is unfortunate, and makes things difficult. Things are starting to come together a little bit, though, which is good- we are just about to take the final, it'd better happen now. Here're some pics of our work on the latest hw assignment.

Had a good time down south for birthday/Thanksgiving, though. Disneyland was really neat; here's me as our friend Indie:

Right then. Time for a bit of sleep, I think. Busy days ahead. I was kinda hoping to get a little holiday baking done this weekend, but not I don't know if that's going to happen. I'd certainly like it to. We'll see.